Happy Sugar Day! Today was the two year anniversary of starting my chemotherapy treatment, it is sort of fitting I suppose considering how ugly and ghoulish this toxic cocktail has been. This has not been an anniversary I am too excited about celebrating and it was actually a pretty depressing day. I have not been feeling well for several months and I think that I have just “had enough”…. I know that is what my body has been telling me!

Enough ghouls and goblins, the good news is that I am 3 months away from my end of treatment and last week I had my last spinal tap which was a major milestone for me. I hope that over the coming months my condition does not worsen and I can finish the treatment feeling strong.

As I sit and write this post the doorbell has been ringing continuously and as each kid comes to the door their excitement and enthusiasm reminds me that life doesn’t need to be complicated and that simple is good. I am so thankful for my children and the joy they bring me, I truly cherish each moment with them regardless of how I am feeling or how “complicated” my life might seem to me.
Thank you everyone for your encouragement and prayers.