Thank you everyone for the recent encouragement and prayer, it has been another rough few weeks. Actually for over a month I was struggling with coughing, antibiotics helped clear it up mostly but it never went away and it came back 3 weeks ago really bad. I went to the ER and had a chest xray which showed some pneumonia, another round of antibiotics has helped and it is almost gone. Over these weeks I was really weak and in bed most of the time, it took me over a week to start feeling better and getting strength back. This week my counts were too low to have chemo so I am delayed which has been helpful as I gain strength, I will have blood-work tomorrow and see if my counts are high enough to continue chemo Wednesday.
We had a really nice march break, I was glad I was feeling well enough to spend time together as a family. We went to the park a couple times and on several other outings, however with low blood counts I was not able to go in busy public places so I had to miss a few activities. The warm spring weather and sunshine are a welcome change, I was really getting tired of the cold dreary days.(and having a cold head)
Thank you so much for following along as I travel this off road journey,