The last few weeks have been full of ups and downs mostly due to the usual side effects from chemo however I have been so blessed by friends and family that even though the off road adventure was very rough I could not help but notice “The View” was amazing!
Years ago I took a weekend auto racing course and we were taught to “Look where you want to go”, if you keep staring at the car spinning out in front of you then you will likely hit it. Lately I have applied this theory to my off road journey and have focused on the “The View” and all of the things God has blessed me with. So rather than listing my problems and medical jargon I wanted to share with you what “The View” has been like over the last week or so.
The View
-I was able to take a road trip to Oakville this week to see my new niece Hannah, babies are so amazing and such a blessing.
-I went for a walk with Delaney, she is such an inspiration to me … she is my hero.
-I sat for hours and watched Davin play with his new RC car, pure Joy!
-An elder from church stopped by (as he regularly does) to see how was doing.
-Our family went for a walk on Wellington Beach with some close friends, the waves were huge….God’s creation is awesome.
-A good friend made his weekly call to chat and see if we need help with anything.
-A friend that is currently a missionary in the Ukraine sent a short Facebook message to let me know he was praying for me and it was a reminder of the number of people praying for me and what an encouragement that is to me. Everyone please keep praying, and THANK YOU!
-We celebrated our 14th anniversary, Lisa is a my rock and without her I would be lost, her strength and willingness to give sacrificially has been the glue holding our family together since Delaney’s diagnosis in 2008.
-I received great reports from work that God continues to provide and bless OSM
-My family daily blesses us with their time and support, helping and encouraging us in so many ways.
-I visited a friend in the hospital that just went through a very serious operation and despite his own challenges all he wanted to do was encourage me and my family, this was such a blessing and a reminder to me that even though I feel useless God still can use me and I need to respond to Him.
-My best man and family were visiting from California and we enjoyed a terrific time together visiting, sharing memories, and catching up.
I could have kept going but the list was too long, God is good! I am so thankful for these daily blessings, and for all of you that continue to encourage us each in your own way. Thank you.