Time has been going by soooo… quickly, I feel bad I haven’t updated Facebook since November! As I enter OneNote I see there are several drafts that I started in December, January and February however for some reason I never completed them. I will piece together a brief summary of the past 3 months then I promise I will post more regular updates.
First, thank you to everyone who has been checking in with me to see how I am doing and mostly for your prayers.
Back in November when I was admitted to KGH for a week they did a scope of my lungs so that a sample could be taken to identify the type of pneumonia, during this scope they found a couple legions on my vocal cords which the doctor thought needed to be biopsied. After another scope and waiting several weeks for results thankfully the biopsy came back negative for any malignancies. Praise God!
I was on heavy antibiotics for weeks and finally started to feel better right before the Christmas Holidays, this was exciting because I was really looking forward to spending time with family and friends. My sister and family travelled from Alabama and we had some good times hanging out at Gramma and Poppa’s. This year we also shared special “First Christmas” memories with baby Hannah and the Sarles Family, we rang in the new year with friends and even had a overnight family getaway in Watertown, the first time I had been away anywhere since my diagnosis in 2011.
I had mapped out a very ambitious plan for January and February hoping I could be much more involved in work however as in the past I hit more rough roads, it was very discouraging to be bed ridden for weeks again struggling with pneumonia. My Oncologist worked hard to try new medicines and added a monthly transfusion of Immunoglobulin(IVIG), which is basically other donors good immunity cells. I felt a real boost from the first IVIG and late in February I was gradually starting to feel better.
Every Wednesday when I go to KGH I am given a treatment number “X” of “Y” and I never actually gave much thought to my end of treatment date because the protocol I have been using referred to a date 2 years from start of treatment (Oct 2011). At one of my appointments in February I asked my doctor about the “Y” date. Well…… regardless of the starting date, throughout all of my chemo any treatment I missed from being on hold has delayed other treatments causing my end date to be a couple months longer than I had originally been planning on. This was disappointing at first, however it is rather insignificant in the scope of the entire protocol. So as is stands my end of treatment is …..Jan 2014.
The cold of winter took it’s toll on all of us so we decided to ask my oncologist if I could take a trip to Myrtle Beach! He agreed and arranged for me to have oral chemo that week rather than IV. We couldn’t believe it , we were SO EXCITED TO DO SOMETHING FUN and go somewhere warm together. We had a terrific March break together relaxing on the beach, Davin and Delaney couldn’t believe our condo had it’s own indoor waterpark. It was so nice to be together and build special family memories.
That wraps up the last 3 months, April has been going fast and I am really looking forward to the warmer weather. I have been feeling better than I have in a long time and hopefully it will continue and even improve.
I was reading back through older posts and comments on FB earlier today and I was really encouraged!! Thank you everyone for your support and prayers.