Hello May! Hello summer, I think we skipped spring altogether! I am enjoying the warm weather, I hope you are as well. With the little bit of new energy I have found I have been regularly out walking, and I continue to feel a little bit better each day which allows me to accomplish a few more things however I still find when I do more than one big event per day I am exhausted and end up needing extra rest and sleep.
The weekly trips to KGH are going well despite the 401 construction and occasional long wait times, this week was a long day seeing the oncologist and getting chemo. I started cycle 12 and yes that mean steroids again, so even with a sleeping pill I was up at 4:30 this morning and my mind will not stop racing.
It has been good to see some of you as I have been out and about, hopefully I will get out even more often in the future if I can maintain at this level. Thank you for you encouragement and prayers.
I had a great time at Delaney’s school this week when Pedal for Hope came through, they are doing an awesome job with the kids, raising awareness and funds. If you want to take a break from cooking tonight come down to the Market Square(4-7) for some BBQ, entertainment and bouncy castle. Here is their Facebook event page:https://www.facebook.com/events/164279870407237/
Thanks everyone!