I am thrilled the last two weeks are over! They have been the roughest weeks ever, I had to go to KGH every day for radiation treatment to my brain(chemo does not travel to the brain so this is a preventative treatment to stop cancer from going there) which is now complete, there have not been many side effects from the radiation other than sleeping a lot. During the radiation treatments I also had four chemo treatments via my spine (LP) which caused me to have nausea for the entire two weeks, and I still have it.
The good news is….. I finally have a break from treatment until Dec 28th I hope this break will allow me to gain some strength and energy so that the next treatment might not hit me so hard.
I received more good news last week from my CT scan of my chest, it was an answer to our prayers that the tumor in my chest has substantially reduced in size, it is such an encouragement to know that all this chemo has been working.
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers over the last few weeks