by stephenosmond | Jan 26, 2009 | Family Life
2009 *** Well I beat my old record for not blogging in over a year, WOW.. I guess updating Facebook status was all I could manage last year. 2009 is a new year and it has brought so many changes in my life I feel the urge to start blogging! So here’s is what I am up...
by stephenosmond | Jan 26, 2008 | Family Life
Some random shots of the family
by stephenosmond | Jan 6, 2008 | Family Life
It is pretty sad when I can’t even blog once a month… hard to believe last years Igloo is still on my blog! Oh well live goes on, I had a great time with the kids today making an igloo, Lisa got me a block maker for Christmas so I didn’t have to use...
by stephenosmond | Aug 8, 2007 | Family Life
We had an amazing time at the cottage last weekend, the weather could not have been better. Delaney had been using here fishing rod all weekend with a rubber fish on the end and I was feeling sorry for her that she was not catching anything… so before we left to...
by stephenosmond | May 25, 2007 | Family Life
Delaney decided that she wanted to be a princess tonight, and what would a princess do without a unicorn, Delaney thought Davin would make a great unicorn so she raided the closet and dressed him up.
by stephenosmond | Apr 25, 2007 | Family Life
Delaney decided Davin would be Sticker Boy Today!